
You can click on images to show them in fullscreen :3

The latest content is always displayed at the top—scroll down to explore older posts! This page primarily features furry content, as it serves as my furry portfolio. If you’re curious about the events I plan to attend, simply click "Calendar" in the navigation bar :3

Oh yea and keep in mind this website is made 100% with hand written html/css so there may be some imperfections on here, and I will use the german/central european system for e.g. dates :D

EF28 - Lobbycon


Because I'm sadly still not 18, I cannot attend the biggest Furry Convention here in Europe - The Eurofurence. But I still wanted to visit my friends, so I decided to drive to Hamburg for just one day, and have a good time. Aaaand it was fcking worth it. But yea... Becuase I had to woke up at 4 a.m. in the morning I was really tired the whole day - would do it again tbh :D

Bolt and Spike photo

Made this cutie picture with two really cute fursuiters :3


Of course I had to take a picture with Boltee

Gimbal setup

In this time I had the oppurtunity to test this cool DJI RS4 Gimbal. I mean it was cool n such but too expensive for me :/

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